The diagnosis is only as good as the expertise.
The nature of your transaction can be established optimally only when Fiscal and Legal experts speak the same language. It’s not a lottery. Unless you’re unprepared.
- Prompt
- Pragmatic
- Complete
- Detail oriented
- Accountable
- Prompt
- Pragmatic
- Complete
- Detail oriented
- Accountable
Complex interventions in taxes, accounting and legal.
Fiscal raids and litigation. Transfer pricing. M&A.
Tough questions come, most times, with short deadlines. It’s one of the reasons they’re tough. And when they do, who’s next to you becomes essential. How well they master the substance of your transaction. How thorough they are with your business case. How fast you get actionable alternatives. And how accountable you can hold them for it. For 20 years now, we’ve been answering the tough questions of our clients. Or solved them before they came to be.
What you can lean on us forYour fiscal efficiency. Where does it come from?
From high and thorough expertise, justly applied. The kind that can identify leaks and risk exposures before they manifest. The kind that can only happen when fiscal and legal experts speak the same language. So you no longer make decisions on fragments, but on the whole big picture.
Our team
We know how to do well what we do and we love it!
Recommended by CEOs and CFOs
The raid was announced from one day to the next, while the administrator was away. Moreover, the reporting period was before my arrival in the company.
The next day, at 8:30AM, Oana was in my office. We received the controlling body together.
For me, Nowium is an external partner only on paper.
When Oana stepped into the office, my body posture changed. Through her mere presence, always calm, in control, and confident.”
Beatrice Zwolfer, Chiesi Romania

Recommended by CEOs and CFOs
For 12 years now, whenever I have a complicated legal-fiscal situation, impacting several business directions and territories, I call Delia. She leaves nothing to chance.
The degree of detail and control she insists on establishing before we even go to Court or before assembling and submitting the documentation amazes me.
Her risk assessment is pragmatic, responsible, and she gives the kind of advice I can make decisions with.
We also work together on cross-border cases. There’s no point in me reinventing the wheel and learning something in a field Delia already has expertise and connections in. She has my full confidence.”
Ciprian Morar, Finance Manager CSi România

Fiscal raids with absolute integrity. Reimbursed VAT
Avoided damages. Risks canceled on time.
That is what clients actually seek consultancy for. Of course, it can start with a validation of your business model. Or maybe you need one, specific task off your hands and handled. Or those of a whole department. But what matters, in the end, is the result you’re after.
What do you want to start with?